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Smart Start Kid's Camp 2022 at Hidden Springs


Anchor 1

Based out of Smart Start Preschool in Hidden Springs

13399 N 1st Ave.

Smart Start Kid's Camp offers weekly camp sessions for children ages 4-8. With science, art, cooking, nature, sports, acting and more, we offer an adventurous camp that will give your children the summer they deserve!

Basic Information
Ages: 4-8 years
Open Monday –Thursday
Full Day Hours: 9:0
0–3:00 * Half Day Hours: 9:30-12:30
2 or 4 day/week options available weekly

*Campers ages 4-5 (seekers), will not need a bike.
*Campers ages 6-8 (masters), will need a bike each day.
**Pool time to be determined for Masters group

2023 Summer Camps

Session 1 (June 5-8): CREATURES IN THE HOOD

Bees, birds, mammals and more! Join us as we discover the creatures around us, explore the neighborhood, and enjoy nature. With insect nets, bug viewers and binoculars, outside games and nature inspired crafts, we will explore our neighborhood and all it has to offer!


Session 2 (June 12-15): MAD & MESSY SCIENCE

In this exciting week of STEM activities, we will turn kids loose to experiment, explore, test and discover! Campers will problem solve, make slime, explosions, volcanoes and more. From rockets to construction, campers will become scientists for the week!


Session 3 (June 19-22): SPORTS WEEK

Soccer, tennis, dance, football, volleyball, lacrosse and more! With the guidance of guest coaches, we’ll cheer, run, exercise our bodies and enjoy the thrill of competition.


Session 4 (June 26-29): AROUND THE WORLD

Want to visit another country? This week we will travel around the world to Africa, China, Australia and Mexico and learn about other cultures’ music, art, food and customs. See what the world has to offer!


CLOSED  July 3-6


Session 5 (July 10-13): PETITE PICASSO

The wonder of art awaits! Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet and more! Bring your creativity and make the world your canvas as we take a look at world famous artists and create beautiful art!


Session 6 (July 17-20): LITTLE PERFORMERS

Together we will create a world of make believe, where children will act out familiar stories, as well as create scenery and props. With singing, acting, dancing and music videos, campers will get their creative juices flowing, and be a star for the week!


Session 7 (July 24-27): (July 17-20): FUN WITH FOOD

Time for friends, food and fun! Campers will create fun things they can eat. From chopping to cleaning up, measuring, sharing and eating, this camp allows children to get messy and become little chefs! Ending with a crazy, messy food fight!


Session 8 (July 29-Aug. 3) SPLISHIN & SPLASHIN

Get ready to celebrate what makes summer truly great: Water balloons, slip’n’slides, lemonade stands, and cool tasty treats! Come prepared to get wet as we play hard and beat the heat! Bring your swimsuits!


To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

Please include a $50 deposit per child.
Deposits will be applied to camp tuition, but are non-refundable in the event of cancellation.
** Reservations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited so please do not delay!

General Policies


We are open Mondays through Thursdays. Our hours of operation are 9:00 – 3:00.  If you need to drop off or pick up your child in the middle of the day, please text us. Please sign your child in and out of camp each day. If anyone other than a parent will be picking up your child, please let us know in writing. If you know you are going to be late in picking up your child, please contact the camp as soon as possible. After five minutes, a late charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged. Thank you for being respectful of our time at the end of the day, and for your promptness!


You will receive invoices for camp charges with camp totals and due dates. Camp charges are due in advance. All cancellations require a two week’s notice or you will be charged. There are no make-up days or exchanges for missed camp days. Drop-in’s are welcome when space is available but will not be scheduled more than a week in advance.


Children need to arrive to camp with sunscreen on. Each day, please send a hearty, packed lunch that does not require refrigerating or heating, a water bottle, and a backpack that your child can manage and wear. Please do not over pack your child’s backpack and please do not send toys or excessive items to camp. MASTERS (6-8 yrs)  should come with a bike & helmet, extra sunscreen, and a swim suit and towel. SEEKERS  (ages 4-5) do not need a bike and helmet, or swimsuit or towel unless otherwise instructed. All children are required to wear helmets and sunscreen in our care.


Please do not bring your child to camp if he/she is sick or contagious. Please let us know if your child has any special needs or allergies before the first day of camp. Inhalers, Benadryl, or epi-pens can be carried by your child’s counselor when necessary. Please note that Smart Start Kid’s Camp is not a peanut free environment.


We reserve the right to dismiss a child from our program due to excessive behavior issues.   The nature of our program requires moving about the neighborhood and engaging in physical activity, and safety is our top priority


We offer the children a popsicle at the end of each day. If your child is unable to enjoy this treat, please supply us with an alternative snack so he/she will not be without. Please send extra snacks for children who will be staying for the full day as children get hungry in the afternoons.


Please label all items, take all items home each day, and do not send toys or personal items to camp with your child.


We will not be taking children to, or picking children up from swim team, as it is disruptive to our scheduled camp activities. We are open to children joining us after swim team if somebody can bring them to us.

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