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Preschool Registration at Harris Ranch

Building a Foundation for Success

HR Preschool Registration

Whether you are new to Smart Start Preschool, or returning from the previous year, welcome! 

Smart Start Preschool is a developmental preschool whose goal is to provide a quality educational program that inspires children to create, discover, and achieve. Great care and attention are given by the teachers to the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of each child.

Curriculum and School Calendar

Smart Start Preschool follows a monthly thematic curriculum. Each year is different from the year before so that returning students will have new units of study to look forward to. Enclosed you will find our curriculum and school calendar, which for the most part, corresponds with the Boise School District’s school calendar.

Enrollment Contracts

Enclosed you will find an enrollment contract and other required paperwork. Please look over your contract and return it to Smart Start Preschool as soon as possible to reserve your child’s space. If you have not already paid the annual $100 materials/registration fee, please include this fee with your contract. If you are choosing a monthly tuition plan, automatic withdrawal is the preferred method of payment.

We look forward to a fabulous year with you and your child. Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Smart Start Preschool at Harris Ranch 

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

We Are Pleased to offer

a space in the following

Smart Start Preschool program, for the 2023/2024 school  year.

Classes                               Ages                   Days/Hours            Monthly Tuition    

3  yrs

3-4 yrs

3-4 yrs

4-5 yrs

T/Th 9:00-11:30

T/Th 12:00-2:30

T/Th 9:00-2:30

MWF 9:00-2:30





Annual Registration/Materials Fee

An  annual $100 Materials/Registration fee is due with each enrollment  contract and is non-refundable

Payment Options

- 3% discount: One payment due August 16

, due August - May. Half payment due Aug. 16 for August

, due August - May. Half payment due Aug. 16 for August

Tuition Policy
Tuition is averaged over a 9.5 month school year, Mid-August through May, regardless of the number of actual class days in any given month. For monthly payment options, a half tuition payment is due August 16, and subsequent tuition payments are due on the first of the month.

Whether or not your child is in attendance, Smart Start Preschool’s costs remain constant. Therefore, there are no makeup days and no reduction in tuition due to excessive illness, vacation or general absenteeism.

The undersigned is financially responsible for the student and agree to pay tuition for the school year to Smart Start Preschool.
If a change in circumstances requires your withdrawal from the program, a one-month notice is required.

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